WooComerce Lipa Na M-Pesa (Kenya) – Premium

Original price was: KSh5,000.00.Current price is: KSh4,800.00.

Receive payments via Safaricom Lipa Na M-Pesa

How to Go Live


Buy Goods(Till Number) Considerations

If you are using a Till Number instead of a Paybill, you will need the Store Number that you will use to go

You will also need to create another user under the Store Number that you will use on Daraja.

To create a Business Manager profile:

  1. Log in to M-Pesa Web Portal, As the Business Administrator through HO (Head Office)
  2. Click Browse organization, click children to view the child stores,
  3. Select more to view the selected store details, Select operators then click add operators.
  4. Enter operator details and assign Business Manager role
  5. Use Web Operator Rule Profile and Web access channel

Going Live

The process is as follows:

  1. Login to your Daraja account and navigate to Go Live
  2. Select ‘Shortcode’ as your validation method
  3. Enter your Paybill(or Store Number if using Buy Goods)
  4. Enter the username of a user with the Business Manager role (use the one created above if using Store Number)
  5. Click Enter and wait for the One Time Password
  6. Enter the OTP and wait for the confirmation
  7. Switch accounts to your newly created company and copy the app credentials displayed and paste in the
    apisupport@safaricom.co.ke and request for the same.

C2B Confirmation and Validation URLs

Whenever M-Pesa receives a transaction on your shortcode, a validation request is sent to the validation URL
registered above. M-Pesa completes or cancels the transaction depending on the validation response it

These URLs must be HTTPS in production. Validation is an optional feature that needs to be activated on
M-Pesa – the owner of the shortcode needs to make this request for activation. This can be done by sending an
email to apisupport@safaricom.co.ke, or through a chat on
the developer portal.

The plugin uses the following URLs for this purpose:

  1. Validation URL: “>

Production URLs

After going live on Daraja you will receive an email from Safaricom with production URLs.

You don’t need to take any action on this as the plugin will automatically update the URLs when live.


Incase you are unable to do this on your own, you can get in touch with us either via email (hi@osen.co.ke) or via phone(+254705459494)


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- PHP ^8.0 - WP ^5.0


- Download the zip file provided - Navigate to Plugins in the WordPress admin and click upload - Upload and activate the zip file provided